Health and Wellness Mission

At New Harmony High School we believe that learning and health go hand in hand. Through health education, mental health support, screenings and nursing services, nutrition, and physical activity, we encourage lifelong healthy attitudes.

Learning and health have a direct correlation. Students are encouraged to develop healthy decision-making skills through the use of health education, physical activity, nutrition, mental health services, and nursing services.

Please keep your student home from school for any of the following reasons:

  • Fever (must be fever free for 24 hours without medication before returning)
  • Nausea and vomiting (must be vomit free for 24 hours before returning)
  • Diarrhea
  • Yellow or green discharge from the eyes
  • Shortness of breath or wheezing
  • Distracting pain from earache, headache, recent injury
  • Contagious illnesses such as chicken pox, flu, strep throat, etc.


ALL MEDICATIONS administered by the school nurse or designated personnel at school, or at a school related function (such as overnight trips) REQUIRE that we have a SIGNED PHYSICIAN’S ORDER on file AND a REQUEST AND AUTHORIZATION TO ADMINISTER MEDICATION signed by the parent or guardian.

All medications must be delivered by the parent or guardian in the original packaging.

Students with an identified health issue (asthma, severe allergy, seizures, etc.) should follow-up with the nurse. Further documentation may be required.

For further clarification, please refer to the Medication Administration Policy.

New Harmony High stocks Epi-pens provided through the “Epi-pens 4 Schools” program for use in an anaphylactic emergency. Since most initial allergic reactions take place in the school setting, we maintain this stock for use on anyone with an unidentified, life-threatening allergy or for someone with an identified life-threatening allergy who does not have their own prescription. For more information please refer to our EpiPen Policy

All students are required to provide proof of immunization status or provide a vaccine declination form signed by your physician.

Although we are well past COVID 19 restrictions, our Safe Return plans are posted here.


Summer Meals

Free, healthy meals are being served by organizations in our community this summer. Families can find the location of these meals by:

Expectant and Parenting Students

Pursuant to R. S. 17:221.7, New Harmony has adopted the following policy regarding expectant and parenting students.

New Harmony will:

  1. Maintain student confidentiality.
  2. Ensure a safe and supportive learning environment.
  3. Promote academic success.
  4. Implement sensible attendance policies.

See Something, Say Something

Students, your voice means everything to us. Your ability to advocate for yourselves and the others that are a part of our community, has been evident and we want to give you all more space for your great works. Below you will find an attached link that leads to a form for submissions of anything that you may have a concern about.

See Something, Say Something Form


Help us protect Louisiana’s children. Report Child Abuse & Neglect1-855-4LA-KIDS (1-855-452-5437) toll-free, 24 hours a day, seven days a week.


Additional Resources:

Asbestos Management

New Harmony has an asbestos management plan in place for our school facility. In accordance with the Asbestos Hazardous Emergency Response Act, AHERA, a Management Plan has been prepared and approved by the Louisiana Department of Environmental Quality, LDEQ. This management plan is available for your review in the New Harmony Front Office during school hours (8:30-3:30 p.m.). If you desire a copy of the plan, it will be made available to you at the cost of $25.00, which covers the cost of reproduction.