If you have a bus stop assigned and you are having transportation issues, please call JJ Julien Dispatch at 504-381-4384.
Please contact Leslie Martin at leslie.martin@newharmonyhigh.org or 504-217-8432 if you need a new stop or to make any changes to your transportation plan. If you cannot reach Ms. Martin, please call the front office (504-612-7869). Note that changes to the drop off/pick up spots take approximately 5 days. All changes MUST be requested in writing, preferably via email.
Each BESE authorized charter operator shall provide free transportation to and from school to any eligible students under the following conditions:
- when the student resides more than 1 mile from the school of attendance;
- when the student resides within the parish or local school district in which the school is physically located.
Behavior Expectations
All student behavior expectations as outlined in the student handbook apply if a student is on campus or in transit on buses operated by any operator contracted with New Harmony. The same applies to students waiting at a school outlined bus stop, or exiting a school sponsored bus trip.
Bus drivers are expected to operate using the same code of conduct for parents and guardians and students as outlined in our student handbook.
Students with IEPs
If a student requires door to door transportation, it will be specified in their IEP. If a student’s IEP specifies a parent/guardian must be present when a student is dropped at their stop, the driver or dispatch will contact the parent before the bus leaves the school. If the parent is unavailable, the student will stay with administration at school until the parent is available to arrange transportation.
In Case of an Emergency
In case of an emergency, bus dispatch/driver will call 911, and then call the Operations Coordinator Leslie Martin. Ms. Martin or her designee will contact the family of any student involved in an incident.
Transportation Oversight
Each school is expected to abide by the policies and procedures outlined in the approved Transportation Plan and R.S. 17:158(J), as approved by the LDE. Schools that fall out of compliance with existing BESE policy or do not follow the guidelines set forth in their approved Transportation Plans may be subject to LDE intervention procedures as outlined in the Charter School Performance Compact.