What is something you do well?
I am really good at organizing my school-life.
What is something you have learned in the past week?
Don’t get too into your head, but also don’t play around too much.
What is a misconception people have about you?
People misinterpret my race, and people think I am really unapproachable.
What is the biggest dream you have for yourself that you do not often say aloud?
To make a difference in general. I don’t want to be the stereotype of this generation; I want to do something in the world.
Who has had a positive influence on your life so far and why?
My friends: Emily, AJ, etc.; they keep me going everyday. Also, music helps me tune out people and gives me something to relate to.
What would you do differently if you knew nobody would judge you?
I’d stay quiet more often. Most of the time I speak my mind, and people think I’m crazy and are judging me.
What do you like about New Harmony?
I really like how diverse and open the school is. I think next year, we will have more resources and be able to align with our mission statement more because I really like our mission statement.