What is something you do well?
Cook and I am very self-reflective. If I know I didn’t do my best, I will say it and try to do better the next time.
What is something you have learned in the past week?
It’s important to work hard for what you love to do.
What is a misconception people have about you?
People think that I am disrespectful and they think that sometimes I can be a mean person.
What is the biggest dream you have for yourself that you do not often say aloud?
I wanted to be a photographer once, but my current dream is to be a chef.
Who has had a positive influence on your life so far and how?
My sister, my mom, my grandmother, my uncle, and my friends. My sister taught me things about high school before I got there, and my friends are there when I need them.
What would you do differently if you knew nobody would judge you?
I would speak what’s on my mind because if people already think that I am disrespectful, then why not?
What do you like about New Harmony?
I like that it’s very social and we get out instead of staying in the class all the time. I also like how it’s accepting and people can be who they are.