Last week the 9th graders donned ponchos and boots and trudged out into the rain in the Lower Ninth Ward. Teaming up with Sankofa and Water Wise and NHH 10th grade interns Jack and Mike, students assisted with environmental projects at two sites. One group pulled invasive species at Sankofa’s wetland park while the other installed a rain garden at their orchard and greenhouse location. They found frogs, got very muddy, and hiked up the levee!
Once Upon a Time in a City Called New Orleans Soirée
“How does it feel to be a published author and what are you gonna do next?”
Is what our friend and author Nat Rich asked our recently published 9th-graders during their forum. Our “Once Upon a Time in a City Called New Orleans” authors would ultimately like to continue imagining, writing, and exploring their love for our unique city. The entire New Harmony community could not be more proud of the class of 2023. We couldn’t have done it without Jeff Carver, our Humanities teacher who organized the project, the entire 826 organization, project volunteers Andrew White, Chris Staudinger and Lily Andrew, cover designer, Erik Kiesewetter, Longue Vue House and Gardens for hosting our celebration, and author Nathaniel Rich. Thank you to all who joined us! Stay tuned for what’s in store.
You can purchase your own copy of Once Upon a Time in a City Called New Orleans by clicking the button below or by visiting 826 New Orleans at 1750 St Bernard Ave, New Orleans, LA 70116
In Sustainable Design, students are answering the question, “How can we create a structure that makes New Harmony High more sustainable?” Students are learning the basics of the design process as well as researching different ways to help our school live out its environmental mission. Thus far, students have gone through multiple rounds of brainstorming, delivering pitches for their ideas, and receiving feedback. On Wednesday, students delivered their first pitch to Sunny, their official client, to get her opinion on their initial idea. Ideas ranged from RCPT (recycling-compost-project-trash) buckets to a combined compost bin/planter, to a compost program for us and our neighbors. Next, students are going to dive into some research, reach out to community partners for support, and develop a written project proposal. If approved, they will have the opportunity to actually make their designs come to life next quarter!
Here’s what we wanted to know from Amanda…
What are you currently doing in your Captains Block?
We just delivered our project pitches to Ms.Sunny with our idea on to make the school sustainable.
What have you done in your Captains Block so far?
We gone through multiple brainstorming process to develop design to make new harmony sustainable
What encouraged you to start your Captains Block?
They’re a lot of students in new harmony invested in helping the school live out it’s environmental mission and also who are inserted in creating something real.
Are there any lessons/projects you are excited to teach in your Captains Block?
I’m excited for them to actually have a chance to build their designed if it get improved
Did you have a class like this in High School? If so what did you do in it? If not, Would you have wanted a class like this in school and why?
No I didn’t but it would have been cool!!!
Awards Ceremony
On Tuesday we celebrated our first-ever Annual Award’s Ceremony to recognize and celebrate student strength’s and the hard work they’ve put into our community this year.
Here is what we recognized…
Honor Roll
Outstanding Internship
Best Exhibition
Academic Perseverance
Environmental Stewardship
Outstanding performance in Algebra, Geometry, Biology, Spanish, and Humanities
Perfect Attendance
Captain’s Award
The recipient of the Captain’s Awards are students who embody New Harmony’s mission and values. These students are ambassadors for and representatives of our community and shine by being compassionate, inquisitive, and proactive. Our 9th-grade recipient is Sanjay and our 10th-grade recipient is Mervin. In the photos below they wood burn their signatures onto New Harmony’s Canoe Ore.
Our Environmental Stewardship Awards went to 9th-grader Mei and 10th-grader Izzy, who are especially focused on discovering climate solutions for our school, our city, and our planet. You’re an inspiration and we celebrate you!
Internship Highlight:
Sofia at the Green Project
Sofia is one of New Harmony’s inaugural artists and has been working with local art organizations for the past few years. She is interning at the Green Project, where she is creating a mural about how and what to recycle that is pleasing to the eye but also highly informative to the general public. To accomplish this, she created a mural with a bird that is affected by pollution. She also created flashy waste bins to motivate people to pay attention to recycling. Keep it up, Sofia!
Upcoming Events
The Water Collaborative
This technology and art innovation laboratory is an immersive experience that seeks to transform residents who enter the space by speaking to their senses. The first of its kind, this interactive exhibit will reach audiences around the topic of water in New Orleans. Aspects of the space include an indoor native plant gallery, immersive game called “Plant Dat”, Sewerage and Water Board maps and artifacts, photography series, crowd-sourced maps, and so much more all with the intention of engaging people on water management.
It’s time to Face the Music! LifeCity is excited to announce that the 8th Annual Love Your City Awards will be taking place on January 30th, 2020! This awards ceremony celebrates the incredible social and environmental impacts that sustainable business leaders in our community have achieved throughout 2019.
Cook-Off for the Coast is a family-friendly event with fun activities for kids and educational information for all ages about coastal restoration and how you can get involved.
Local cook teams will battle in a wild game cooking competition featuring Louisiana’s wild bounty – free samples for attendees while supplies last!
Live music by Louisiana’s Soul Creole — led by Grammy-nominated Cajun fiddler Louis Michot and zydeco accordionist Corey Ledet.
Have you made it to a SOUL tree planting this year? Join fellow community volunteers to help SOUL reach their goal of 1,500 trees planted this season, which in turn will help decrease flooding, clean the air, help stop subsidence, and beautify our city. Planting season ends mid-March, so don’t miss your chance to plant trees with SOUL! The next planting is on Saturday, February 8th, in Broadmoor, where they’ll be planting 100 native, water-loving trees. Volunteers can see a list of SOUL’s upcoming plantings and register using this online sign up form, and can contact Emma Butler at with any questions. Sign up to enjoy some time outside by planting trees with SOUL!
National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration
ational Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) is teaming up with the Southern Climate Impacts Planning Program (SCIPP) at Louisiana State University (LSU) to host a 1-day regional meeting to access and understand the information needs of small- to medium-scale water utilities, improve on existing tools, and build additional resources to meet water sector needs at different scales.
Something I do well Is keeping my grades up. Since I’ve been at New Harmony I’ve maintained a 4.0 G.P.A.
What is something you have learned in the past week?
Something I’ve learned this past week is just to always be positive and things will eventually work out.
What is a misconception people have about you?
A misconception people have about me is that I’m stuck up or boujee.
What is the biggest dream you have for yourself that you do not often say aloud?
One of my biggest dreams I used to have was either becoming a professional singer or dancer, but because I mostly stopped I kind of gave up on it and I don’t really pursue it as much as I used to.
Who has had a positive influence on your life so far and why?
Some friends who have recently had a positive influence on my life are Dwayne and Zaniya. This is mostly because they are the type of people that make you laugh all day and without them at school, I honestly feel like I wouldn’t like school a lot if I didn’t have my friends.
What would you do differently if you knew nobody would judge you?
Something I would do differently if I knew nobody would judge me is probably bringing out my west Indian side. A lot of people don’t know this but my mom is originally from Jamaica and my dad is from Trinidad, so I wasn’t raised in an American household. A lot of the music that we listen to, the way we talk, is very different and a lot of times I don’t act how I act at home or with family not only because I feel I will be judged but just the simple fact that they won’t understand.
What do you like about New Harmony?
Something I like about New Harmony is the amount of freedom we have. You really won’t find these privileges at any other school.