Meet Evelina Jagminaite
July 26th, 2018
Meet New Harmony’s Wellness Coordinator, Evelina.
What is your education and career background?
I have been working with youth as an educator, counselor, and art therapist for over 10 years in traditional and non-traditional settings. Over the years, my teaching, research, and clinical work have taken me to Lithuania, Uganda, Brazil, Spain, Colombia, Guatemala, and different regions within the US. My body of knowledge ranges from fields of Anthropology, Environmental Studies, International Development, Economics, to Counseling, Theater, and Arts.
Why are you passionate about New Harmony?
As a site coordinator with Communities in Schools of Gulf South, I am excited to be part of New Harmony High; for its unique approach to education allows to integrate diverse fields of knowledge while supporting students into their creative journeys of self-discovery and visions for the future.
Who was your most influential teacher during high school and why?
Various teachers touched and molded my world during my life. However, my grandmother, who was an educator herself, laid down the foundation of who I am and imprinted upon me the value of human relations. My grandmother, the only member of her family who survived the atrocities of World War II and Soviet Occupation of Lithuania, was an example of human resiliency and adaptation. I grew up listening to her life’s stories, set within unpredictable forces of history, which allowed my young mind to reach into the depths of human experience.